So it's been a little while since I made a post on this blog but I have been a little busy :). I am 35 weeks now and feeling about 45 weeks. I don't know if the altitude is making it hard for me to breathe or if it's because I look like I swallowed a watermelon. I have been surprised by how physically uncomfortable I am this time. Everything hurts. I mean everything....places that didn't hurt until after Carter was born already hurt. When my mom was here she got me a gift certificate for a massage and it was fabulous! I could get one everyday for the next five weeks if I could afford it.
I met my new OB last week. She is great but when I walked into the office, I felt like I was at LSU. And maybe that means I'm a snob but I have always gone to "private" clinics before and this was a huge shock for me. But since I'm so close to the end and didn't know where else to go, I decided to stay. I'm glad I did because Dr. R is going to be great. And as long as she takes good care of me and our baby, that is really all that matters. I go back tomorrow for my group B strep cultures. I'll be going on a weekly basis from here on out. The office is almost a half hour away from our houses and the hospital is even farther than that which is a little bit of a pain but oh well.
Yesterday I did some serious nesting after my parents left. It was like therapy for me. Her room is still not set up b/c we don't have furniture for Carter yet so he's still using the crib. We set up the pack and play, washed all her bedding, hung up all her clothes, gathered all of her adorable cloth diapers, washed the covers to the boucy chair, swing, carseat, and boppy. Wow, I can't believe we are about to start all over again! I'm trying not to focus on the sleepless nights, postpartum discomforts, sore, leaking boobs, nursing around the clock, diaper changes every one to two hours, possibly a jealous big brother, and the hormonal wreck I will be (even more so than now which is scary!). I know she is so worth it and we will fall into a routine just like I did with Carter. This time will be easier in some ways because I won't have the stress of grad school to deal with, but harder in other ways with taking care of Carter and baby sister and not having family close by. But I trust God and know he had baby girl picked out for us since the beginning of time. And I'm still thinking about baby #3 so as long as I haven't given up on that plan, I'm in good shape. Now six weeks from now, I may be ready to say "Two kids is enough" but I feel in my heart we are supposed to have at least three. Anyway, now I'm just rambling.....I'll try and post tomorrow after my OB appointment if anything eventful happens.
You look so beautiful, but I am sorry that you are so uncomfortable!