(and 2 days!) The most exciting thing this past week was that yesterday I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat with my stethescope! It took some time to find it and time for my stomach to stop making such noise but when I did finally hear it, it was so amazing. I haven't been able to hear it again. But this morning, I could hear the baby kicking. It sounded like a loud thump every time I felt the baby move. So neat!
Belly shot:
I have made the switch mostly to maternity clothes. Well, pants and shorts at least. My friend Amy lent me all her maternity clothes so I feel like I have a new wardrobe. I only have a couple of winter clothes that mom got for me and I'm hoping not to have to buy any. Amy's last son was born in December so I think she's got me covered! The maternity shirts are still too big and I can fit into most of my non-maternity shirts. I am much more comfortable. The problem with most maternity shirts is that I tend to stay pretty slim through my waist/chest while I'm pregnant so when I put on a maternity shirt, I look like a big whale! And what pregnant girl wants that? I am very blessed to have good "pregnancy genes"! I don't have any stretch marks from my last two pregnancies (from puberty, yes! but from pregnancy, no) so I don't anticipate having any this time either. According to my home scale, I've only gained a pound but on my doctor's scale, it's only 2 pounds. Either way, I feel good about that. And it's sure is not from lack of eating. M&Ms are the devil!!
I'm not really having any pregnancy symptoms except crazy dreams! My one last night featured this guy:

I've been watching Rookie Blue on ABC and he is on the show. Swoon! He's my newest crush. What can I say? In my dream he was my heart surgeon and now for the life of me, I can't picture what my real, non-Hollywood star surgeon actually looks like! I remember him being kinda cute too. But I digress....
Tomorrow is the big ultrasound day. I'm trying so hard not to stress out about it. As long as I'm preoccupied with something else, which I usually am with two kids to chase after, I'm okay. But the moments I'm still and things are quiet, my mind starts to get the best of me. Our appointment is first thing in the morning. Amy offered to keep the kids even though she'll have company in town. I'm going to take her up on it with Carter but Olivia has been so needy this week, we'll just take her with us. I think she'll do fine. It was Carter that I was worried about. I'm so grateful to have such good friends! Please pray for us that we will have a good report. And as soon as I'm home, I'll let you all know how it went!
I pray that everything goes perfectly at your Dr.s visit. And I know what you mean about "pre pregnancy stretch marks" lol Lucky I haven't gotten any with pregnancy yet either...so far YAY!