I am feeling better and better everyday. Not that I was feeling bad before, but I am glad I have some energy. I have been very productive the past several days and it feels good!
I had my quad screen drawn yesterday and should hopefully have the results by Friday. I'm not too stressed out about it since the first trimester screen was normal. I also have my fetal echo and high risk ultrasound on September 3rd. I can't say I'm not stressed out about that one. I am. But I am trying so hard to lean on my heavenly Father's arms and rest in His peace.
I'm pretty sure we are set on not finding out with we're having a boy or girl. I think I can wait....but we'll see! The most important thing for us is having a healthy baby. That is what we're praying so hard for....boy or girl, it's already been decided.
Speaking of babies, I can't believe our other baby is almost one! I've been super busy this week working on Olivia and Carter's birthday party plans. I'll blog more about that on my other blog! Have a great week :)
Lookin good!