I know this probably isn't the first time I've said this nor will it be the last time, but I PROMISE, I am not as big as a I look in this picture! Ha! To my own defense, I had just eaten a big bowl of gumbo so I'm hoping that's why I look like Shamu! I'm still in my regular clothes (except my khaki maternity capris b/c my regular kapris don't fit!). I'm trying to hang on for a couple more weeks to get good use of my new summer clothes!
It's hard to believe I'm already 15 weeks. The first trimester went by pretty fast. I think the fact I didn't have any morning sickness made it so much better. I hope the next four weeks will go by even quicker so we can find out if everything is okay with the baby.
I have a regular OB appointment tomorrow even though I was just there less than a week ago. I am definitely feeling the baby move now! I probably have been but it's hard for me to find time to lay down, be still, and concentrate. When I do find those moments, I feel little one squirming around. Sunday night, Theo and I went out on a date to see a movie (Salt) and the baby was really moving then. I don't think baby like the loud noises. Exactly a year ago we went to see GI Joe for Theo's birthday and I was big pregnant with Olivia. She kicked me hard almost the whole time. I think she didn't like all the noises either!
I think Theo and I are almost 100 percent decided we aren't going to find out this baby's gender. I think it will be fun to be surprised again. We'll see. I am nothing if not prone to change my mind!
This week, the baby is about 4 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces (roughly the size of an apple). How exciting to think about the baby growing. I'm really cherishing everything this time knowing it will most likely be the last time I'm ever pregnant. I still go back and forth about having a 4th baby but obviously that won't be decided any time soon! So in case this baby is our last, I want to savor it, appreciate it, cherish it. I remember when I hit about 33 weeks with Olivia, I was so miserable, so emotional, and such a whiny baby! I am going to try very hard not to be that way this time. Pregnancy is such a blessing and I want to relish it all.
I am so excited about having this baby! At first, I was totally overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted, questioned how I would manage. But now, I truly am so excited! I can't wait to meet this little bundle of joy. Even though I still have a baby (Olivia!), I am looking forward to starting over again. I won't enjoy breastfeeding around the clock or sleepless nights, but I will try my hardest to remember every good moment of being a mom.
Gotta be du gumbo cherie!
ReplyDeleteYeah Ive been whining since 25 weeks! lol It's hard work being this big in 105 degree weather!