Yesterday, I also ordered a sling. I plan to wear her as opposed to pushing her in the stroller a lot more than I did with Carter. I ordered it from hotslings.

I'm also doing to cloth diaper thing this time too. I'll be honest, it's not so much for environmental reasons (which is a plus) as it is for monetary reason. Cloth diapers are a hefty expense upfront but in the long run, they pay off. These are the ones I am going with

from bum genius.
So that is the latest in all things baby girl. Time is flying! Only a little more than 12 weeks and she'll be here. Wow! I'm doing some major nesting right now even though she doesn't have a room to nest in and won't until the end of July. So until then, I'm collecting things to fill the room with eventually! Fun times!
The diapers are here. Wow! Cloth diapers have come a long way since you were a baby!