Mom and Dad to be (again)

Let me say, I have a great group of women in my family. The "older" generation (my mom, aunts, and grandmother) are so talented. Each one of them can do/make something that is homemade. I treasure those gifts so much.
My mom went all out of course and bought baby's cloth diapers, lots of nursery decor, even more baby clothes, and some homemade things too.

My aunt Laney made the baby a fleece outfit that has a hole for the carseat snap too. She embroidered it herself and it says "Baby, it's cold outside". Baby girl will definitely get a lot of use out of it in the mountains.
My other aunt knitted a beautiful purple blanket and grandmother crocheted one. Carter still uses his homemade blankets given to us years ago.

My sister in law, Kayla, had a beautiful dress made for me (courtesy of a friend of hers) and matching accessories. My sister in law, Catie, gave me lots of adorable baby clothes. My brother gave me a beautiful newborn outfit with matching booties (the tiniest I have ever seen!)

We also had some yummy food....wraps for lunch, homemade peach ice cream and casino cakes. Carter of course loved those.....just like his mommy!
So once I got everything home, spread it all in Carter's room and tried not to cry, I packed it up so it would be ready to move in just four short weeks. I can't wait to get her room all set up. I know I've probably said this already but she is going to have the absolute cutest room ever!!
I finished my first sewing project. I had posted a picture of the front of the outfit on my other blog but thought it might be more appropriate on this blog. With a lot of help (or coaching as my mom said), I finished it yesterday! I will post a picture of it hopefully when Carter is napping. I'm so thrilled! I have always wanted to learn how to sew. My grandma would be so proud of me :)